Writing Poems

I mentioned yesterday that I had some ideas for the last three days of NaPoWriMo, and that I’d already written a poem for today, but I wasn’t entirely happy with it. Later, I found something that I’d written in my notebook previously and forgotten about, which was starting on the same theme, but hadn’t developed very far. I compared it with the other one and took some bits from both to make something more complete, which is what I’ve shared. But I also thought I’d share the (semi) ‘complete’ poem on here so anyone who wants to can compare and contrast (and also it lets me off the hook for writing a full 500 words today).

Look back along the path that led you here,
the threads that came together in this place.
Though fire, water, earth and air you travelled,
to make your pilgrimage and find your fate.

But don’t be fooled in thinking this was ‘destiny’;
there is no mighty hand that guides your way.
Your thoughts and choices led you down the path you took:
to try, to give up, carry on or stay.

If you look for the path to lead you forward,
you’ll find no clarity from this point on,
each day is empty, open, there’s no map to read,
so take your chances as you’ve always done.

Linda Rushby 26 April 2021

You’ll notice that the style is quite different from the other poems in the sequence, with longer, more regular (iambic pentameter) lines; regular four line stanzas and a partial rhyming scheme of ‘a-b-c-b’. Now, I don’t want to imply any disrespect to rhyming poetry, I enjoy reading it and sometimes I wish I could write it, but whenever it starts to creep in, it bothers me, because I feel obliged to try and continue with it, and then I find myself choosing words just because they fit into a rhyme scheme, and then having to twist the lines to get them to work, and I’m almost never happy with the results.

I’ve been picked up on this in the past, and it always makes me defensive, feeling that I have to justify why I write the way I do, when in truth I don’t really know how it happens at all – I just write whatever comes into my head, then I tweak it a bit till I’m satisfied it’s as good as I can make it. I’ve been asked why I’ve written something as a poem rather than ‘something else’, but I’m never sure what ‘else’ my poems could be – they don’t usually tell stories and they’re too short and specific for essays, they just are what they are.

In the end, all I can say is – I write them because that’s what comes into my head. I must have written hundreds down the years that have never been read by anyone else (and failed to write hundreds more) but that doesn’t matter. I don’t write to be read, necessarily, I just write to write.

Keeping On (or not)

Just done my poem for today, and I think I know what I’m doing for the final three days, though I’m not happy with the one for tomorrow – but then, I wasn’t happy with the one for today when I woke up, though I had a vague idea, a title and a few lines, it wasn’t until this morning that it fleshed out so it (sort of) made sense. Maybe I can do something with the one I wrote yesterday for tomorrow… or it won’t seem so bad when I read it again.

It has been an interesting challenge, I must say. I didn’t know where it was going to go when I started, but it got me writing and I think it all hangs together surprisingly well, so that it might be worth doing something else with it, but I’m not sure what. In 2018 I did haikus for NaPoWriMo, and I had an idea of producing a hand-made book and I went to a book-binding workshop and bought a book-binding kit (and an online book-binding course), but I’ve never really done anything with it since. I had a title: ‘Month of Fools’, and I wanted to do a lino-print for the cover, but then I completely stalled because the lino-print was so poor, I gave up on lino-printing, book-binding and the whole idea and haven’t touched it since. The lino-printing course was cancelled not long after anyway, and though I have equipment I could use by myself, without the tutor telling me exactly what to do I just can’t get my head around it.

Anyway, if I’m going to do anything these days, I just stick to knitting and crochet, because I can do that without getting too stressed.

Keeping going at something and not getting discouraged or disappointed with the results is the hardest thing for me. I suppose that is one of the themes of my NaPoWriMo (I can’t quite decide if it’s a long poem with 30 stanzas, or a cycle of 30 individual poems, or how to describe it). It’s all very well to write about grasping the flame and letting it burn you again and again, but that’s just a poetic metaphor, and I’m such a coward. I could say to myself: ‘I managed to stick at that, and I’m quite pleased with the result, so why not try something else, like going back to lino printing, or doing this book, or going back to my novel…?’ but, but, but… I’m such a coward. And yesterday, for example, by the time I’d posted the poem, I couldn’t face writing a post for here as well.

None of this is important, I know that. Nothing I do matters, I could not write another word as long as I live, and the world would be no worse off.

Yesterday I went back to the jigsaw puzzle I started in last year’s lockdown and haven’t touched since goodness knows when. I made quite good progress, too.  


An interesting question came up on the dyspraxia Facebook page, as someone commented that their procrastination had: ‘…gotten (sic) out of control’, especially in relation to washing up. The first person to comment said; ‘You’re punishing yourself, stop it’, and the second asked what they were doing instead; was it something else on their to-do list? (to which the answer was: watching telly). Mine of course would be: knitting, or crochet. Or maybe, as the temperature is now gradually creeping up, sitting in the garden in the sunshine (though not actually doing any gardening).

I say it’s interesting because instinct tells me that my tendency to procrastinate is somehow linked to dyspraxia, but the stern voices in my head say: ‘no, that doesn’t make sense, it’s just because you’re a lazy cow and you’re trying to make excuses by blaming dyspraxia for everything’. The tendency to dither, take too long over things, and get easily distracted is certainly related to dyspraxia, as is the generation of so much chaos in your surroundings that you learn to ignore it and accept it as a fact of life – not to mention feelings of exhaustion and lack of energy to tackle any of it.

I also believe that lockdown has been responsible for encouraging this kind of procrastination. It creates a sense of unlimited time and reduces stress by eliminating the need to leave the house and engage with the world, while also removing the enforced motivator of anticipation that outsiders might come into the house and see what a shithole it is, which is usually a major driver for me to engage with housework.

That said, I’ve been making more of an effort against the washing-up-sitting-in-the-sink phenomenon. In my dim-and-distant days as a Young Mum, I was well known for my inability to sit down and relax with a drink until after the washing up had been dealt with. These days I can’t wait to get out of the kitchen-dining room and retreat to the sofa, my latest project and a couple of episodes of ‘Law and Order’ (my latest retro-catch-up series from twenty years ago, which has intriguing plots and engaging characters without the visceral gore that’s obligatory these days). In the last few months I’ve been struggling to revive that past diligence by at least making an effort to leave pots and pans standing for no longer than one day – last week I even found myself one morning spontaneously cleaning the top of my gas hob while I was waiting for the coffee machine.

The neighbouring house on the side that shares a wall with my kitchen is rented out on short-term lets, so the tenants change quite frequently, and I don’t have much contact with them. The last few mornings I have heard the sound of a plug being inserted in a socket the other side of the wall while I’m having breakfast, and then the drone of a hoover. Every. Single. Day.

Is it me, or is that ‘normal’?


Thursday, 22 April 2021n the Windows logn screen eing part of the same, instead of both yrtnewswf what is ectrum  sf te ends si are somehow at oppentertainmentport’ and enas though .ekt do you remember from the news this wekhenthing in betwSport to entertainment and everr: ayinessage here was a  PC this morningon my…

When I glanced up from typing, the above gobbledygook was on my screen. How it got so mangled I have no idea – clearly in some places I had hit the ‘up arrow’ and taken my cursor – and hence my typing – up to the line above – something that frequently happens when I’m typing without paying attention, often leading to whole lines being overwritten and I have to copy what’s there onto the ‘clipboard’ and carefully go back through ‘undo’ to get back what’s disappeared. If I untangle the mess, I think what I was trying to say was this:

‘On the Windows login screen on my PC this morning there was a message saying: Sport to entertainment and everything in between, what do you remember from the news this week?’ as though ‘sport’ and ‘entertainment’ are somehow at opposite ends of a spectrum of ‘the news’ as opposed to being both at the same end…’ and I was intending to go on to write something about the implication that the genuinely important stuff about what’s happening in the world can somehow be dismissed as less significant  – but I’m not going to go into that now because I’m just amazed at the madness I seem to have unleashed, and would like to make the analogy that that is pretty much what it feels like inside my mind most of the time. (Forgot tpo mentione that somehow I also caused this paragraph to go to double spacing, but I’ve corrected that. ‘to mention’.)


I have written two poems (one for today, on efor tomorrow – maybe) on my notebook with my black crayon pencil while still in bed. This new technology of discovered is still working find, though no doubt the ‘lead’ will snap soon. ‘one for’ not ‘on efor’ and ‘I’ve’ not ‘of’. It’s interesting to note that writing words that sound vaguely like the one I intended to write seems to be quite a new phenomenon in my wrting/typing’. ‘fine’ not ‘find’. ‘writing’ not ‘wrting’. And so it goes. My typing is becoming, at first glance, almost as illegible as my handwriting. I now the right words perfectly well, they just come out wrong. ‘know’, not ‘now’ – and I promise you I am not doing this deliberately, just not making the corrections when I notice them. And Word spell checker just automatically corrected ‘diong’ to doing’ – but not that time. Interesting.

Well, that has taken up most of 500 words this morning, writing about my terrible typing. I once wrote about this before and read it out at a writers group and everyone laughed. It’s mortying when everyone supposedly laughing ‘with’ you fails to notice you’re not laughing. Mortifying.

Catflap Incident

Tuesday again – tai chi again. I’m more relaxed about it this morning.

I got up early – 6:15 – because my cat came and got me. That’s not unusual, mostly I ignore her but today I got up because I needed a pee, and as soon as I got out of bed she ran in front of me to the top of the stairs. When I came out of the toilet, I looked over the banister, and there she still was, half way down the stairs, looking up at me meaningfully. So I followed her downstairs, went into the kitchen and opened the back door for her to go out.

This follows a strange incident yesterday evening. I was sitting in the front room crocheting and watching telly, she had gone out into the hall, and suddenly I heard a banging noise as of something being knocked over, and an almighty feline shriek. It sounded as though it was inside the house, so all I could think was that one of the neighbouring cats had got in while the back door was open earlier, they’d found one another and there’d been an altercation. I walked round the house calling her name quietly, and expecting a large ball of fur to fly past me, but I couldn’t find any cats or other signs of destruction. I came back downstairs and opened the side door, and then found her sitting outside, the other side of the catflap.

You may know that I had this catflap put into the ‘side’ door – so called (by me) not because it is actually on the side of the house but to differentiate it from the ‘back’ door which is at the end of the kitchen. The ‘side’ door is at the end of the hall which runs from the front door to the end of the front half of the house which is connected directly to the next house in the terrace. There is then another bit of hall going to the left, and the back part of the house, consisting of the kitchen/dining room downstairs and two bedrooms upstairs, is attached to the house on the other side, but on the side where the door is, there’s a narrow space – same width as the door – between my kitchen, and a wall, behind which is an equivalent space and the neighbour’s kitchen. (This is where – I suspect – my neighbours were sneaking out and smoking dope in the lockdown last summer, but that’s another story.)

She has never to my knowledge used this catflap, but I think that must be what happened last night. I guessed the shriek was because there’s a drop of a couple of feet on the other side. When it was installed, I built a ramp for her with bricks and a plank, but when my son was carrying bits of shed from the hall into the garden, I moved it out of the way.

I don’t suppose she’ll ever try that again.


Already written my NaPoWriMo poem for today – and, incidentally, I seem to have resolved my issue with the keyboard. I turned it upside down and shook it vigorously for a while, watching the crud cascade out from between the keys, and although I’d already tried that method several times, it seems to have dislodged the specific bit of crud which was causing the problem and for now the problem has gone away (without my having to buy a new keyboard).

Well, all that happy news has got me started, but I don’t know where I’m going from here. Except that I’ve just discovered that I have two avatars on WordPress – possibly three, if ‘Southsea Storytellers’ also counts. Sorry, I just got distracted again, into trying to work out how the ‘community’ feature works on WordPress. I really know nothing about the software I use every day – except the bits I use every day. I’m probably using it all wrong.

But that’s how I found out about the other avatar – from the community feature. I saw a picture of my own face from 2008 in Paris, not a bad picture but terrible resolution when it was squeezed onto an avatar. I clicked on it and it took me to ‘Gravatar’ which , rather disturbingly, had a ‘Contact me’ followed by an email address I still use – fortunately, no one has bothered to contact me through that route, as far as I’m aware – or maybe they’ve all been trapped by the spam filter.

I don’t really know what I’m doing and I don’t know what to say about it. Pretty much sums up my attitude to life this morning. I don’t know why I write 500 words a day. Sometimes it works and sometimes it just goes horribly wrong. Mostly I feel better for doing it, but today it is just a massive slog.

Sunny at the moment. I’ve got no plans to go anywhere today. I might go to the knitting shop – I said that last Monday, when they opened after lockdown, then I found out that I have to make an appointment (it’s a really tiny space) and I didn’t feel like committing myself to a specific time so didn’t do it, even though I’d been waiting for it to open to get a 5.5mm circular needle, which I need for one of the jumpers I’m making (the old one is on the verge of breaking, with one of the needle ends coming away from the connecting plastic wire, if that means anything to you). But I’ve got plenty of other projects I can be getting on with, and even if I finish it I won’t want to wear it till next winter, so there’s no rush.

I just remembered I haven’t typed up the poem I wrote yesterday morning. A couple of the words were quite hard to read, I think I’ve got them now, but I’d probably better write it up soon – if I want to keep it.

(Non)Poetic Thoughts

This morning, I wrote a poem while I was still in bed, after I’d finished listening to the last volume of Maya Angelou’s autobiography on BBC Sounds. I was thinking about her poem: ‘Still I Rise’ (that expression occurred in the final episode), and about my life, and the things she went through and my wimpish reaction to the things I’ve gone through, which boils down just to being myself, the me I am inside, rather than the external struggles she had to deal with as an African-American woman in the 1930s-60s.

Poems written at that time of day tend to dissipate quickly however hard I try to hold on to them, so I grabbed a notebook and black Crayola colouring pencil (all the pens in my desk having dried up – a reflection either on modern technology or my dependence on it) and wrote it down.

I wanted to share it, as an accurate reflection of my inner feelings towards myself after listening to the words of one of the greatest female writers of my lifetime, but I thought of the likely reaction to my honest thoughts about myself, especially the ones that come first thing in the morning, and thought better of it. I will, however, type it up, pack it away and probably read it to my therapist on Thursday.

One of the lines I rejected included the words: ‘I wish I could believe I deserved…’ – at the time I thought it was part of a killer ending, then forgot it, then remembered it while doing yoga, and realised it was best forgotten.

‘What a string of woolly verbs!’ I thought to myself. Let’s take them in reverse order, as being the closer to the object of the line (which was probably another verb: ‘to be’, followed by some complimentary and hence wholly unrealistic hypothetical idea of myself). First, ‘Deserved’ what does that mean? It’s completely subjective. Does a convicted murderer ‘deserve’ a second chance at life; to rot in jail for the rest of his/her natural days; or a speedy execution? ‘It all depends…’ which is why we have jury trials and other complicated (and expensive) systems of justice to decide such matters for us. You can’t talk about whether anybody ‘deserves’ any particular outcome without taking it from a specific point of view.

Next: ‘believe’, which is also subjective, though in this case it’s clear that the subject, ie) the one doing (or failing to do, or incapable of doing) the ‘believing’ is myself. Why am I incapable of believing I deserve whatever goodies (probably praise, or love, or happiness) I had in mind? Arguably, ‘belief’, or ‘disbelief’ just is what it is, but if I had to justify or rationalise it, I would probably say it was based on the evidence of a life-time of living inside this head, and as no one else has access to that mental space, their ‘beliefs’ can be discounted.

And finally: ‘wish’ the woolliest of the lot – enough said.

Health Matters

Today I have to go to the hospital for the sixth and last of my six-monthly ‘infusions’, ie mini-chemo sessions. I can’t believe it’s six months since the last time, which followed a year after the previous one, because the one I should have had this time last year was cancelled due to Covid restrictions. But this time – this time – should definitely be the last – or at least, the last one related to the breast cancer which I had in 2016/17 (who can ever predict about the future?). It’s also the last of the series of medical appointments (for various conditions) which I’ve had over the last few weeks – the last that are on the calendar, anyway, given that I haven’t yet heard back about the results of the heart monitor, or had a call from the GP about my second Covid vaccination, though it’s about ten weeks since the first one. I’m expecting the surgery to call about that, as they did with the first one, given that it’s supposed to be done within twelve weeks, but other people I’ve spoken to (though not with my GP) have either booked both appointments online, or were given the second appointment when they had their first.

I had a phone consultation with the doctor on Thursday, about my cholesterol, and the blood test I had for that, and she said that it’s still a lot better compared with what it was when they first flagged it up in late 2019, and to carry on with the current pills at the current dosage, but I should try to get more cardio-type exercise, which needs to be more strenuous than just more walking. A least she didn’t tell me I had to give up cheese, though I have been trying to cut down. She didn’t know anything about the heart monitor, in fact she wasn’t the same doctor who sent me for it, but when I made the appointment I was told it would be a long wait for an appointment with the other one. In fact I only had this consultation because when I rang the surgery to book a blood test in advance of today’s infusion (to save an extra trip to the hospital), the receptionist told me there was a note on my file to say that I needed to book a consultation with the doctor. In the event she (the doctor) was clearly just looking at my records and giving out some fairly general advice, but I don’t say that as a criticism. I have met her several times when I used to live in the flat, and always got on well with her, it’s just that she’s not the one I’ve been seeing about this cholesterol/heart stuff.

It is all quite confusing, but I guess if the blood tests had shown anything serious, they would have been more proactive in getting in touch. In fact they seem to have got things pretty well organised in the circumstances.

Morning Walk Continued, and NaPoWriMo Stress

Two observations about yesterday’s blogging attempts; firstly, the post on here was written in a notebook while sitting in the park, without the benefit of automatic word-counting until I got home and typed it up and discovered I’d written 700 words, so I saved the last 200 for today. The other issue was that I hadn’t got a clue what to write for NaPo, nothing came to me till dinner time, when I thought of something quickly and shoved it out.

Here is the last 40% of what was in my notebook from yesterday:

Eek, it’s not on the PC, because yesterday I sat downstairs and typed it on my laptop. There will be a brief delay while I run down and email it to myself…

…or maybe I’ll carry on with what I was going to say about napo first 9dammit, still got that problem with the keyboard and still haven’t ordered a new one).

When I started the NaPoWriMo poem(s) this year (consciously using the left shift key now), they kept coming every day, but I was aware that this was a risky strategy

Over the last few days, although only half way through the month, I felt that I had reached so far into the dark, that I was obliged to start coming out. By opening Pandora’s Box, and acknowledging the Hope that hides at the bottom, I started turning it around – although that wasn’t at all how I was feeling. Is it a good idea to have a crisis bang in the middle of a narrative? And after all, hope isn’t always to be trusted.

…Then I remembered that the gates to the garden behind the Natural History Museum were open when I passed the other day, and as that is quieter than the Rose Garden I decided to go there – it’s on my usual route. I found another sunny bench near the tree where I used to go to outdoor yoga classes last summer, and sat with my coffee and notebook, listening to the birds and the sound of tennis racquets and writing this (which I’m now transcribing at home).

I know it’s not unusual for people of my age to grieve for the past: the career, the family times, the children now grown up, and so on. But I think I grieve more for the future, or futures, in which I was going to raise a family; study for a PhD; live in a big house in the country; end my marriage and live my own life; go travelling alone across Europe; write and publish a book; move to the seaside. Now when I look to the future I see that my son-in-law is planning to build a ‘granny annexe’, so that when I’m no longer capable of looking after myself, I can return to Bedford and live with them. Which is reassuring, in lots of ways, but what else is there? What about the years – hopefully many – between now and then?

Linda Rushby 15 April 2021

Morning Walk

I remember in a previous life – about ten or twelve years ago – having a conversation with a man at a conference in Oxford. I wouldn’t say he was a friend, exactly, but I had met him at previous conferences. The gist of his message to me was this: that I was unhappy because my life was chaotic, and he suggested imposing some structure on myself by getting up early and going for a walk with him and a group of other conference attendees.

I said he wasn’t ‘… a friend, exactly…’ but looking back now I can see he had a deeper understanding and empathy than most of the other people I met at those events, who were eager to tell me how great I was, but never noticed what was going on under the surface.

Anyway, I don’t think I met up with them, due to some mix-up rather than intent, but I remember walking alone by the canal, taking pictures of the narrow boats.

The other day I mentioned that I’d gone for a walk, with that same intention of improving my well-being. I don’t think I said that afterwards I had a miserable morning, full of buried rage, but I’m sure that was just coincidental.

Today I woke around the usual time (four-thirty to five), but some time after six, when I was thinking about getting up once the heating came on at six-thirty, I dozed off again and slept in till half past seven.

I got up and dressed, and instead of doing my yoga/tai chi routine I decided that I would make a flask of coffee and go for another walk. As I walked, I thought about the mornings when I used to walk to the swimming pool – which is now closed, of course, and has apparently done so for good.

I walked to the beach, and then along the beach, briefly thinking of doing tai chi in the stretch of damp sand and scattered pebbles between the waves and the ridge which marks the usual high-tide line. It was later than I usually walk, there was at least one wild swimmer, but also two ladies in anoraks with bicycles behind the cafe, who I thought could have been two of the regulars, now presumably dried and warmly wrapped up.

I went up the steps by the crossing opposite the Rose Garden, my usual route. I hadn’t stopped outside the cafe with my coffee, as I usually do, because there were clearly people there preparing to open up. I’m not sure what the rules are now, but I know they’ve been operating a take-away service, and they have tables outside. I found a bench in the sunshine in the Rose Garden, and spoke to a robin – I invited him back to my garden, but warned him that I have a cat, albeit an elderly, dopey one, and he cocked his head and looked at me, but didn’t take up my offer.