(Non)Poetic Thoughts

This morning, I wrote a poem while I was still in bed, after I’d finished listening to the last volume of Maya Angelou’s autobiography on BBC Sounds. I was thinking about her poem: ‘Still I Rise’ (that expression occurred in the final episode), and about my life, and the things she went through and my wimpish reaction to the things I’ve gone through, which boils down just to being myself, the me I am inside, rather than the external struggles she had to deal with as an African-American woman in the 1930s-60s.

Poems written at that time of day tend to dissipate quickly however hard I try to hold on to them, so I grabbed a notebook and black Crayola colouring pencil (all the pens in my desk having dried up – a reflection either on modern technology or my dependence on it) and wrote it down.

I wanted to share it, as an accurate reflection of my inner feelings towards myself after listening to the words of one of the greatest female writers of my lifetime, but I thought of the likely reaction to my honest thoughts about myself, especially the ones that come first thing in the morning, and thought better of it. I will, however, type it up, pack it away and probably read it to my therapist on Thursday.

One of the lines I rejected included the words: ‘I wish I could believe I deserved…’ – at the time I thought it was part of a killer ending, then forgot it, then remembered it while doing yoga, and realised it was best forgotten.

‘What a string of woolly verbs!’ I thought to myself. Let’s take them in reverse order, as being the closer to the object of the line (which was probably another verb: ‘to be’, followed by some complimentary and hence wholly unrealistic hypothetical idea of myself). First, ‘Deserved’ what does that mean? It’s completely subjective. Does a convicted murderer ‘deserve’ a second chance at life; to rot in jail for the rest of his/her natural days; or a speedy execution? ‘It all depends…’ which is why we have jury trials and other complicated (and expensive) systems of justice to decide such matters for us. You can’t talk about whether anybody ‘deserves’ any particular outcome without taking it from a specific point of view.

Next: ‘believe’, which is also subjective, though in this case it’s clear that the subject, ie) the one doing (or failing to do, or incapable of doing) the ‘believing’ is myself. Why am I incapable of believing I deserve whatever goodies (probably praise, or love, or happiness) I had in mind? Arguably, ‘belief’, or ‘disbelief’ just is what it is, but if I had to justify or rationalise it, I would probably say it was based on the evidence of a life-time of living inside this head, and as no one else has access to that mental space, their ‘beliefs’ can be discounted.

And finally: ‘wish’ the woolliest of the lot – enough said.

3 Replies to “(Non)Poetic Thoughts”

  1. Why should my beliefs be discounted?
    If you don’t believe that you should have happiness why bother with a therapist?

  2. Hi Trevor, I’m sorry, I didn’t knowingly discount your beliefs anywhere, so I just reread the post and I’m still not sure what you mean. If it’s to do with my mention of ‘the likely response’ I just meant that I know most people prefer to read upbeat posts rather than downbeat, self-critical ones. Nothing I said was personally directed at you, and I certainly didn’t intend to cause any offence, many apologies if that’s how it came across.
    I actually said I didn’t believe I ‘deserved’ happiness, not that I don’t want it given the chance. I see a therapist in hope that she can help me to resolve this dilemma and learn to live comfortably with myself.

  3. No need to be sorry, my question wasn’t a complaint, merely a clumsy way of saying ‘believe whatever you think is true for you.’ I’d have said it better if I had your skill with words!

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